Friday, October 25th, 2024
CSS is creating a facilitated space for seeing, holding and healing from disenfranchised grief. Together, we create connection and care. Come together as a community as we weave together stories, healing practices, resources and support. In community, we know that we are not alone.
Workshops and Evaluations
Welcome and Opening Keynote: Disenfranchised Grief & Identity & Land Evaluation
Session 1: Community Response to Gun Violence | Fireplace Hall | Evaluation
Session 2: Immigration Loss Panel | Great Hall | Evaluation
Session 3: Homicide Loss Experience Panel | Great Hall | Evaluation
Session 4: Suicide Loss & Support | Fireplace Hall | Evaluation
Lunch and Labyrinth Walk (south yard)
Session 5: Incarceration & Grief | Great Hall | Evaluation
Session 6: Writing Truth: Clinicians Caring For Our Own Grief | Fireplace Hall | Evaluation
Closing Ceremony: Grief as a political act | Great Hall | Evaluation
We are a CAMFT approved continuing education provider for the following professions: LMFTs, LEPs, LPCCs, and LCSWs. We can provide 1 continuing education unit for each session you attend for a total of 5 units for the whole day. We are also a CalMHSA Peer Certification, and California Board of Registered Nursing Continuing Education Approved Provider. 2 things must be completed to receive CEUS. (1) Proof of Attendance (please sign the attendance sheet for each session) (2) Complete an electronic evaluation for each session. Certificates will be emailed to you within 2 weeks.
PDF of the Program
Click here to download
Donations are welcomed
If you are able to, we invite you to make a donation of any amount that is comfortable for you HERE.